
QRP Labs
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Written by Hans Summers   
Saturday, 11 July 2009 10:37

Left: Here's a great picture of Dimitri Aguero F4DYT on 18-Dec-05 with his Superdrg radio in the French Alps at the Valmorel / Saint Fran�ois Longchamp common skiing area, at around 2550 meters height. Click the picture for a larger one.

Dimitri reports: "The radio was purchased initially by Nigel Gunn G8IFF in Milton Keynes. Stations entered in SW quite strong, and the Voice of Greece (in Greek) in around 9420 KHz was as loud and clear as a local FM station. The radio was frequently overloaded by strong SW stations. Adding 6m of length to the antenna brang the Voice of Netherlands or the Radio Exterior de Espa�a so strong that they could be heard among the... FM stations!"

Middle: Here's Dimitri again! This time it's August 2006, and Dimitri enjoys the sand and sun of Tuscany.

Right: Dimitri gets around! Now it's July 2008... and here's Dimitri with his Superdrug radio at Rivonia, north of Johannesburg, South Africa, listening classic music while playing Solitaire.

If anyone has pictures of Superdrg radios in exotic locations, Email Me!

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