
QRP Labs
NBTV PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hans Summers   
Friday, 05 March 2010 21:29

Right back to the days of the first Baird mechanical televisions in the 20's, the Narrow Bandwidth Television Association is keeping the memories alive and keeping enthusiasts entertained with a fine mix of mechanical and electronic experimenting. Also please visit the NBTV forum.

Narrow Bandwidth Television Association


I didn't even know about the NBTV Association, and hardly even about NBTV, until I received an email from Steve Anderson about his 1-inch CRT NBTV monitor. Then he told me about the NBTV Association. Finally following up with some email correspondence and ANOTHER article about another project of his, a 3-inch CRT NBTV monitor. From then on, it was downhill, and I couldn't help wanting to build some NBTV stuff of my own!

But for now, before I finish any building, please enjoy Steve's articles!

A Portable Battery Powered 1” CRT NBTV Monitor.

This battery powered NBTV 'scope uses the 1-inch CRT type DH3-91 (1CP1 equivalent).

Click here
to read Steve Anderson's
project documentation

PWM Grid-Drive Applied to a CRT display.

This NBTV uses a 3-inch DG7-32 CRT. A very nice tube! Low voltage and user-friendly.

Click here
to read Steve Anderson's
project documentation for the 3-inch NBTV

(Click the left image for
a larger version)

Mechanical TV

Here's a nice site dedicated to mechanical TV:

Last Updated on Sunday, 17 April 2011 04:19
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