
QRP Labs
Spectrum Analyser by Mike Boyden PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hans Summers   
Wednesday, 08 April 2015 07:44

Pictures of Spectrum Analyser build by Mike Boyden.

Mike notes:

1. I needed the 'inverted' sweep option for my scope.
2. I used a varicap tuner (BB105) in the second mixer, in conjunction with a ten turn pot.
3. I attached a 15V supply to the sweep board to get a little more spread.
4. I used 10.7 MHz filters - no problem.
4a I did not need the little CR video filter.
5. The adjustable IF amplifier did not really add much.
6. The whole project was made viable due to low cost (China) SMA cable and sockets.
7. I am experimenting with POS800 VFOs and HPF505 mixer for 0- 400MHz operation.
8. Excellent company for RF parts on ebay: rfandmicrowaves.

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